Most people without wills make assumptions. For example, If I don’t have a will, my kids/spouse/dog will get all of my stuff. This could be true, or more than likely, it’s not. Whether you’ve sat down with a legal professional like myself, used the dreaded (and usually incomplete) legal zoom, or haven’t done squat, you do have an Estate Plan. The State of Alabama (or whatever state you live in) has what are called Laws of Intestacy. These laws dictate what happens to your estate if you die without a Last Will and Testament. In Alabama, depending on your situation, a surviving spouse could be forced to split an inheritance with the deceased’s children and in some situations a surviving spouse may have to split an inheritance with the surviving parents of the deceased. The best way to avoid the State of Alabama, or any state for that matter, having final say of your final wishes, proper planning is necessary. Get a will!